Selenium Tutorials and Materials

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Install and Configure Selenium RC, Grid
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Selenium RC and Selenium Grid are simple client-server systems to operate Selenium test scripts in a grid or farm of servers. The Selenium Client software transmits Selenium test scripts to a Selenium RC service over HTTP transport protocols. The Selenium RC service uses profile information to start a browser and operate the test. Selenium Grid enables this action to happen on multiple Selenium RC services concurrently.

Selenium User Guide shows how to install and run Selenium RC. The steps are easy to follow and you will be up and running in an hour or two.

Selenium RC depends on well behaved browsers. Hung or stuck Selenium RC services happen frequently. I recommend you use a good remote service management utility like Hyperic, Nagios, Zenos to start and stop Selenium RC services.

Selenium RC is good to get started, the following tools provide remote deployment, management, and recovery for running Selenium tests. Most of the following provide integrated Selenium RC and Grid services to save you the effort of installing and operating a Selenium RC farm:

·         PushToTest TestMaker Enterprise features deployment of Selenium tests to desktop, grid, and cloud environments. TestMaker runs Selenium tests on a grid of TestNodes in a QA lab, in a cloud computing environment (including Amazon AWS EC2, Collabnet, Rackspace,) or both. TestMaker is built on a test running kernel that remotely spawns Selenium tests, including automatic recovery should the Selenium test script or browser crash during a test.

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